A domain is the name and digital identity your business or your project has on the Internet.
Create a professional email account with your own domain name quickly and easily. It is safe, builds a positive image of your company and boosts your sales.
Web Hosting is a service providing space in servers that work 24/7 to have your website and emails available online. We have different pricing plans for all your needs.
A Website is the best way to have an online presence for your project or business. You can build it yourself or get a professional web designer to do it.
Web Security is key to get a trustable domain and website. Get your SSL certificate and keep your website malware free to increase your sales.
Marketing is sales on a grand scale. Your website may be phenomenal, but it needs marketing to sell.
13.18 AUD /month
27.70 AUD /month
85.79 AUD /month
We accept the main means of payment. You will only have to choose the one of your preference.
Files encrypted because security is first priority
80% of inquiries are answered in less than 1 hour
Open source app audited by thousands of developers.
Our mission is that any person or company can turn their idea into a website. We help you develop your personal brand or project, sell online and publish any content you need. To sum up, we help you build your online business.
We are pleased to give a fast and quality customer service, that's why we answer 80% of inquiries in less than 1 hour and have a 9.5/10 reviews qualification. We also have super stable servers and offer a 30 day money back guarantee.
We are part of the Open-Startups movement: we publish our customer service metrics and also the servers stability.
Every week we publish new tutorials, workshops, specialists interviews and knowledge guides so that you can take your entrepreneurial up to the next level.
Neolo OwnCloud is an app that works like an external disk.
Install it on your mobile devices and computers and you can store all types of files.
When you want to access a file, you can do it from any of your devices because the data will be hosted in the Neolo cloud.
It is also very easy to share entire folders or separate files.
It's ideal to save time making your work more efficient, in addition to having all the files with security backup (backup) in our cloud.
At Neolo we are a small company (10K clients) that focus on providing personalized and very, very fast support.
We answer 80% of inquiries in less than 1 hour.
We did it because we are a team of 15 people distributed in different countries, and we all know each other.
Each client is VERY important and we take care of them like gold or better yet, like Bitcoin.
Unlike other larger and public companies that are financed by external investors, in Neolo we are a private company, so we finance ourselves with our clients and that is why we take so much care that everything works perfectly.
In addition, the software (App) that you will use in Neolo OwnCloud to store, synchronize and share files, is open source, that is, it's audited by thousands of developers around the world. In another company the code is closed and you cannot know what happens with the processing of your data.
It's super easy. You will learn in 5 minutes.
It's an App that you install on your mobile devices and your computer, then create folders inside and upload the files you want.
We will give you short video tutorials that explain its use step by step and also we offer you assistance from our team to learn how to use it.