Reviews from website owners
Od 2002. godine više od 10.000 klijenata iz 79 zemalja odabralo je naš web hosting, posebno iz Hrvatska
Domena je naziv pomoću kojeg se vaša web stranica može naći na Internetu. To je vaš identitet i identitet vašeg mrežnog poslovanja.
Izradite profesionalnu e-poštu brzo i jednostavno pomoću vlastite domene. To je sigurno i stvara pozitivan utjecaj na vaš imidž i prodaju.
Web hosting je prostor na internetskim poslužiteljima koji radi 24 sata tako da su vaša web stranica i e-pošta uvijek dostupni. Imamo planove za sve potrebe.
Web stranica je najbolji način internetske prisutnosti za vaš digitalni identitet, svoj projekt ili internetsko poslovanje. Možete ga izraditi sami ili pouzdani web dizajner.
Web sigurnost je važna kako bi vaša web stranica bila pouzdanija za posjetitelje i kupce. Nudimo vam HTTPS certifikate i uklanjamo viruse s vaše web stranice.
134.25 kn / moja
247.31 kn / moja
459.28 kn / moja
Od 2002. godine više od 10.000 klijenata iz 79 zemalja odabralo je naš web hosting, posebno iz Hrvatska
Prihvaćamo glavno sredstvo plaćanja. Morat ćete samo odabrati onu koju želite.
At Neolo we offer web maintenance for your web pages to make them work efficiently, securely and up-to-date. Dedicate yourself to your business, we receive requests for changes and tasks you need for your website, and we take care of solving them. Web maintenance is 100% online so it doesn't matter what city or country you are in. Maintaining a permanent person in your company just for these tasks can be very expensive, which is why in Neolo you can have an "on demand" webmaster for the web maintenance tasks you need.
To begin, we only need access to the web hosting panel. And if you have a CMS such as WordPress, Magento or PrestaShop, your access data.
Once you have contracted the service, if your website needs to use the maintenance service, you can contact us by WhatsApp or by email (ticket) to ask us for what you need. We usually achieve the changes on the same day (as long as it is a weekday).
We maintain all types of websites! For example, it can be open source software such as WordPress, PrestaShop, Magento, Drupal, etc. They can also be private e-commerce such as Tienda Neolo, Tienda Nube, Shopify, or own developments.