
How to optimize my website's loading speed?

If your page takes more than 3 seconds to load, 25% of the people who visit it will leave.

For a one-time fee, we'll optimize your website so that it loads super fast, you don't lose visitors, and Google positions you higher in search results.

We offer you the best optimization for your website

  • Mobile Devices Optimization
  • Speed on mobile devices
  • Speed on desktop computers
  • Work and results report
  • Delivery in 4 business days
  • Scope: 3 hours of work

30 days moneyback in all our plans

The optimization includes 3 hours of work. We will deliver a report detailing the work done by our experts. If more time is required, we will send you a customized proposal.


Why does Neolo suit me?


Our mission is that any person or company can turn their idea into a website. We help you develop your personal brand or project, sell online and publish any content you need. To sum up, we help you build your online business.

We are pleased to give a fast and quality customer service, that's why we answer 80% of inquiries in less than 1 hour and have a 9.5/10 reviews qualification. We also have super stable servers and offer a 30 day money back guarantee.

We are part of the Open-Startups movement: we publish our customer service metrics and also the servers stability.

Every week we publish new tutorials, workshops, specialists interviews and knowledge guides so that you can take your entrepreneurial up to the next level.

What is the advantage of acquiring the google test my site optimization service?


You will improve your website’s Quality Score and your Google AdWords campaigns, your visitors will have a better browsing experience and it will boost sales.

Can you help me achieve excellent scores on all Google Test My Site items?


It will depend on the website. Some websites need to be completely redesigned in order to achieve a perfect score. We perform a code optimization that usually increases the current performance by 30%. In some cases it is higher.

Since 2002, more than 10K clients from 79 countries have chosen our web hosting, especially from יִשְׂרָאֵל

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